Script Frenzy: Week 4 (FINAL)
FADE IN INT. ANIMATION STUDIO – NIGHT An experimental animator posts a final blog update about writing a script in one month for something called Script Frenzy. A printed copy of his final script sits nearby waiting to be read. Empty stage sets from some unfinished stopmotion projects hug the nearby walls. Puppet parts huddle…
Script Frenzy: Week 3
Seventy-six pages done! I continue to write my script non-linearly. As one scene is written, the dialogue or descriptions will spark ideas that are incorporated into other scenes. Celtx has an index card view that lets you drag-and-drop scenes anywhere in the script. It is a great feature and is similar to moving video clips…
Script Frenzy: Week 2
I made it past page 50 this week for Script Frenzy! I spent some time this weekend using MindMeister which helps since I dove right in on April 1st with no real character or plot outlines. So far, the combination of mind-mapping in MindMeister and writing the script in Celtx seems promising. The mind map…
Script Frenzy: Week 1
Sometime on April 1st I learned about Script Frenzy via news feeds and tweets and looked into it further. For several years, I have had one idea for a feature length, live-action film so I decided to sign up for the frenzy to see what I could come up with. I usually storyboard my animation…
2011 Independent Stop Motion Animation: Year in Review
Some highlights of from the past year. If you finished or started an animated film in 2011, or have news that I overlooked, let me know so I can add it to the list. Happy new year! Justin and Shel continued to work on their next animated film titled “Line”. Their other film, “Gerald’s Last…