Animation Show in Atlanta


Last night (and still playing today) is “The Animation Show” curated by Mike Judge and Don Hertzfeldt. I met up with Karl and also saw Brett at the event. Ward was there as well and I wouldn’t be surprised if he posts some info about the event in the near future on his blog or Flickr pages. Mike Judge himself was also present for a short Q&A after the show which was quite a bonus.

This is the third installment in the Animation Show series and I think it is the best to date. The previous two are now available on DVD for purchase or via Netflix. Memorable animations for me were Rabbit, Everything Will Be OK, Versus, and Collision. Rabbit, my personal favorite from the show, is available for viewing from Atom Films. Rabbit was created by Run Wrake. There is something about the sound and music design (not to mention the whole visual design) of Rabbit that I find alluring.


The projection and sound system at the Carter Center, where the event took place, was incredible. I don’t know if they used some kind of hi-def digital projection or something else but they should try to use that for the Atlanta Film Festival’s animation program. Karl confirmed that the projection was hi-def and they take it with them to the cities where it the show is screened which shows how much they care about quality…and it showed. The screen wasn’t huge but it was sharper and had more punch and contrast than what I’ve usually seen at the few film festivals I’ve attended.

4 responses to “Animation Show in Atlanta”

  1. Thanks for coming out. It was great hanging with you. The projector was a hi-def digital projector. Amazing wasn’t it? It actually tours with the program so everyone that hits the show should see the same thing.

  2. Thanks Karl, it was good to visit with you too. I also owe you a burger and a beer(s) at the next animation meeting. 😎 The show was a unique event and it looked like the turnout was almost to capacity. Let me know if you hear about how things went on Saturday.

  3. Yes i saw Rabbit online somewhere great stuff, cool style, works well as a whole. I am hoping to see the animation show here on the 8th.

  4. glad to hear it was good…..

    I am planning to go out here in L.A.
    Feb. 7th as well.
