View the Vitruvius video…sort of

I captured my editor workspace tonight and this is what it looks like. That’s the whole film across the top…about 17 minutes at this point but that may change.

I think screen caps of editing workspaces from other animators would be interesting. I may have to check flickr to see if there is a pool for that sort of thing.

3 responses to “View the Vitruvius video…sort of”

  1. Now you are speaking MY language!

    I love Vegas, I use Movie Studio (the lower end version of Vegas). It’s fantastic at converting frame rates, but I have a question for you:

    In the ability to scrub audio in the program, Sony has overlooked the need for being able to change the speed of the sound without affecting the pitch. As a result, when I single-frame crawl through an audio track to make x-sheets for it, the sound is like a long, low, indistinct fart.

    Do you know of a setting that allows scrubbing with the pitch intact?

    Please reply to my blog, Youtube, or at:


    Don C.

  2. Hello Don.

    I’m not sure. But, you can set a loop section and snap to the grid for a sequence of frames. You can then drag the section along the timeline…for example a 1 second lopp section and just let it play looping while you “dial-in” on specific frames and take notes where sounds peaks are occuring. By looping the audio is playing at the regular pitch.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there is another product out there that does what you want but I’m not aware of any myself.

  3. MonkeyJam and Stop Motion Pro both do it, I was just having problems with both of them at the time. Something not installed right, I think.

    I like your approach to filmmaking, by the way- especially the armatures. Never thought of using plastic tubing (I know that was awhile ago- you probably use something else now). Still, I was really inspired to see it. If you ever want to save a bit of time and money on those things, the UK-style white terminal strips make great torso and hip blocks. You could pare them down with tin snips if they’re too bulky.