- episode 2 of condition human is now online! http://vimeo.com/4235296?pg=embed&sec= #
- um…3D…fad or trend? http://tinyurl.com/cedaok #
- watching simple minds new single http://tinyurl.com/cv5qts #
- liking the maccabees tunes http://www.myspace.com/themaccabees #
- i got the mew maccabees album title wrong. apparently it is wall of arms http://www.banquetrecords.com/index.jsp?item=10730 #
- looking forward to: new star trek movie, new lars von trier movie, new simple minds album, and future episodes of condition: human #
- @Sven http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-3mWmLAcsY in reply to Sven #
- interesting piece about twitter and marketing: http://www.doshdosh.com/twitter-marketing-mass-follow-users/ #
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