- Synopsis: The supernatural trial and judgement of John Wilkes Booth for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
- Running Time: 3:42
- Format: NTSC, 1.77:1, Black & White
- Audio: Mono
- Genres: Animation, Computer Animation, Experimental
- Location: Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
- Producer, Writer, Director: Grant Goans
- Music: Grant Goans (Variations on “Dixie” by Daniel Decatur Emmett)
- Completed: May 2009
- Background: Lincoln was animated in 2002 as a CGI experimental project. It never coalesced into something satisfactory for me. The idea was to merge the alleged supernatural interests of Mary Todd Lincoln with a trial (set as a play in the hereafter) for the assassination of Lincoln. In 2009, I composed variations of the song Dixie (supposedly one of Lincoln’s favorite songs) using Sibelius Music Composition software for the musical score and assembled this final edit. – G. Goans 2011