
  • My First Stop Motion Tests: 2003 – 2004

    View Quicktime MOV (approx 4MB) Prior to 2003 I had been working with Lightwave and 3D computer graphics as my medium for independent film projects. As it turns out those projects never left the pre-production phase because in 2003 I made a wooden ball-and-socket joint to see if it would simulate the function of a…

  • Director’s Statement: Man Drawing a Reclining Woman

    Thank you Mark, Shelley, Jeffrey, Mike, Ale, Sven, Scott, Ward, and others that have shared your thoughts about my film “Man Drawing a Reclining Woman”. I’m in the process of crafting a “statement” about the work or my intentions with my projects. Some film festivals ask for a director’s statement so I figure it might…

  • Atlanta Film Festival Wrap-Up

    Animation News The Animation Extravaganza took place Thursday night and I would estimate that about 300 people attended both shows. My film, Man Drawing a Reclining Woman, was the first to be shown which surprised me since I thought the line-up would be different. It is a different experience to see your film in a…

  • Durer Project: Behind the Scenes

    Here is some more production information about the Durer project which is complete and being submitted to various film festivals. The armatures and puppets are made out of bass wood, wooden beads, and threaded rods. The smallest bolts I could find are used to clamp the wood plates around the wooden beads that make up…

  • “Man Drawing…” to Premier at the Atlanta Film Festival

    It is official. My short film “Man Drawing a Reclining Woman” will premier at the Atlanta Film Festival on June 15, 2006. It is part of the Animation Extravaganza which screens a group of selected shorts in a 2 hour venue. I’m looking forward to seeing “Ichthys”, “Dragon”, “Loom” and “The Wraith of Cobble Hill”.…